So. . . It's been a little while since we've posted something here, but that doesn't mean we haven't been working. (We just haven't had a lot to talk about in terms of the work we were doing). But now, we are officially done with Zen Balance! YEA!!!! We have officially submitted version 1.0 to the App Store for review! Look, here's proof!
It doesn't say Zen Balance. . . but just take our word for it
If you don't know, this still means a little bit of a waiting process before Zen Balance is out in the App Store, even if our app has no issues(and we don't anticipate that it will). So in-between now and release we will be posting about some of the development process for Zen Balance, so be sure to check back for those updates; as well as an official release date for Zen Balance. We are super excited about having a finished product and we can't wait for you guys to check it out.
Thanks for reading,