Zen Balance v1.0.1

Hello again!

It’s been a while since we’ve posted something but we’ve been a little busy rapping up the semester with finals and projects.  But winter break is here and we hope to be working more and have more to share with you guys.

Incase you hadn’t heard, Zen Balance was successfully released on the App Store and we were happy to have that go as smoothly as it did.  We have received some feedback on the release version of the game and made some changes to the game that will be released shortly in v1.0.1.  The major updates include:

  •  Easier game play
    • We found that the game was a little harder than we had initially intended so we’ve made it a little bit easier which will hopefully get people past that first hill
  • High Scores!
    • We’ve added high scores to the normal game play so it’s easier to keep track of your best game
  • Decreased Ad-Fill
    • Because the game was a little more difficult than we intended we’ve decreased the ad-fill rate from every three plays to every five plays which should help you not be bombarded with ads
  • “More” page
    • We’ve added a learn more page with links to the Zen Balance web page and our other games
  • Other minor bug fixes

Hopefully these updates will make the game even better than it already is so be sure to look out for a Zen Balance update coming soon.  “How soon” you ask?  Well, that’s a great question.  We submitted the update for review December 8th but hit a bit of a hiccup.  Turns out you aren’t allowed to have “iOS” in the name of your game.  The official name of Zen Balance was “Zen Balance for iOS” so they denied our update (Although I’m not sure why they didn’t catch that when we submitted our first version. . .)  But we’ve changed the name to simply “Zen Balance” and have resubmitted for review.  Hopefully we’ll see v1.0.1 out by the end of the week.

As always, thanks for reading
